The Isle of Wight Society

East Cowes Heritage Centre

East Cowes Heritage centre introduction here . . .

East Cowes Heritage Centre

The Heritage Centre is at No. 8, Clarence Road, East Cowes, PO32 6EP.

email us at

Telephone: 01983 280310


Admission free

The Centre is open from the first Monday in February to December 23rd, except bank holidays. 

Opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm

A permanent exhibition displays the history of East Cowes since 1783, using 3D models of the town, other models, maps, photographs and text. There are temporary exhibitions looking at subjects in greater depth. There are extensive archives in over a hundred user-friendly files on over 80 subjects for visitors to access for research.

The centre is happy to take new archive and artifact material, particularly relating to East Cowes.  

If you want to purchase Heritage Centre books please contact the centre at and they can be arranged to be posted (or possibly delivered if in East Cowes).

The heritage centre is currently rebuilding their website


Please spread the word so that the Island knows where we are and what we do.


Heritage Centre location and access

Click below for map and directions.


Temporary Exhibitions

The window displays are changed frequently and display local events or in support other local organisations. The displays change every few weeks to reflect town or national anniversaries of events.


Volunteers and Stewards

The Heritage Centre was created by members of the Isle of Wight Society in 1992. Its success is due to the support of the local residents and the dedication of a marvelous band of stewards.


Isle of Wight Society
East Cowes Heritage Centre, 8 Clarence Road
East Cowes, PO32 6EP

Tel: +44 (0) 1983 280310

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